서핑 라이프 스타일을 반영한 인테리어 하우스들을, 일본에서 호주에 이르기까지 디자인 세부 사항과 밝은 해변의 생생한 사진과 함께 담은 이 책은 우리 모두가 열망하는 라이프스타일의 영혼이 담긴 환경을 포착했다.
인테리어 디자이너이자 Haus Interior의 설립자인 Nina Freudenberger는 Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, O: The Oprah Magazine, Vogue 및 Martha Stewart에 실린 베스트셀러 디자인 책 Surf Shack: Laid-Back Living by the Water의 저자이다.
∙ Pages - 272 pages
∙ Dimension - 210 x 285 x 30 mm
∙ Weight - 1.3 kg
∙ ISBN - 9780451496058
∙ Publisher - Clarkson Potter
Cabin porn goes coastal in Nina Freudenberger's Surf Shack [Vanity Fair], and here are bungalows, trailers, cabins, and beach homes where surfers retreat after a day on the waves. Peek inside the homes of longtime enthusiasts and dedicated newcomers that reflect not just a sport or passion, but also a way of life. Blake and Heather Mycoskie of TOMS, hotelier Sean MacPherson, Gypset author Julia Chaplin, and others have set up their spaces to embrace a casual ease and be the break between the waves. With vibrant photographs of design details and bright beaches--from Malibu to the Rockaways, from Japan to Australia--this book captures the soulful milieu of a lifestyle we all aspire to. Interior designer and founder of Haus Interior, Nina Freudenberger is the author of the bestselling design book Surf Shack: Laid-Back Living by the Water, which was featured in Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, O: The Oprah Magazine, Vogue, and Martha Stewart Living. She lives with her husband and two young boys in Los Angeles, California.
Cabin porn goes coastal in Nina Freudenberger's Surf Shack [Vanity Fair], and here are bungalows, trailers, cabins, and beach homes where surfers retreat after a day on the waves. Peek inside the homes of longtime enthusiasts and dedicated newcomers that reflect not just a sport or passion, but also a way of life. Blake and Heather Mycoskie of TOMS, hotelier Sean MacPherson, Gypset author Julia Chaplin, and others have set up their spaces to embrace a casual ease and be the break between the waves. With vibrant photographs of design details and bright beaches--from Malibu to the Rockaways, from Japan to Australia--this book captures the soulful milieu of a lifestyle we all aspire to. Interior designer and founder of Haus Interior, Nina Freudenberger is the author of the bestselling design book Surf Shack: Laid-Back Living by the Water, which was featured in Architectural Digest, Vanity Fair, O: The Oprah Magazine, Vogue, and Martha Stewart Living. She lives with her husband and two young boys in Los Angeles, California.