1970년대에, 사진작가 휴 홀랜드는 때때로 거칠지만 항상 햇빛이 잘 드는 남부 켈리포니아를 배경으로 급성장하는 스케이트보드의 문화를 훌륭하게 포착했다. 이전에 한 번도 출판된 적이 없는 이 컬렉션은 젊은 스케이트보더들이 가뭄에 시달리는 남부 캘리포니아의 콘크리트 배수구와 텅 빈 수영장, 멀홀랜드 드라이브(Mulholland Drive)의 앞바다에서 서핑을 하는 어린 스케이트 보더들을 기록한 흑백 사진들은 스케이트보드 라이프스타일과 문화의 기원을 떠올리게 한다.
∙ Pages - 160 pages
∙ Dimension - 238 x 314 x 25 mm
∙ Weight - 1.2 kg
∙ ISBN - 9781452182056
∙ Publisher - Chronicle Books
In the 1970s, photographer Hugh Holland masterfully captured the burgeoning culture of skateboarding against a sometimes harsh but always sunny Southern California landscape. This never-before-published collection showcases his black-and-white photographs that document young skateboarders sidewalk surfing off Mulholland Drive in concrete drainage ditches and empty swimming pools in a drought-ridden Southern California. From suburban backyard haunts to the asphalt streets that connected them, this was the place that inspired the legendary Dogtown and Z-Boys skateboarders. With their requisite bleached-blond hair, tanned bodies, tube socks and Vans, these young outsiders evoke the sometimes reckless but always exhilarating origins of skateboarding lifestyle and culture. Hugh Holland is a Los Angeles–based photographer and author of Locals Only. He is represented by M+B gallery in Los Angeles.
In the 1970s, photographer Hugh Holland masterfully captured the burgeoning culture of skateboarding against a sometimes harsh but always sunny Southern California landscape. This never-before-published collection showcases his black-and-white photographs that document young skateboarders sidewalk surfing off Mulholland Drive in concrete drainage ditches and empty swimming pools in a drought-ridden Southern California. From suburban backyard haunts to the asphalt streets that connected them, this was the place that inspired the legendary Dogtown and Z-Boys skateboarders. With their requisite bleached-blond hair, tanned bodies, tube socks and Vans, these young outsiders evoke the sometimes reckless but always exhilarating origins of skateboarding lifestyle and culture. Hugh Holland is a Los Angeles–based photographer and author of Locals Only. He is represented by M+B gallery in Los Angeles.