오늘날 스케이트보더가 되는 것은 1990년대와는 매우 다른 경험이다. 1993년의 사진, 인용문, 텍스트는 스케이트보딩을 하면서 생계를 유지할 수 있었던 프로 스케이터가 사치였고 스케이트보딩에 대한 대중의 이해도가 사상 최저 수준이었을 때를 담아냈다. 스케이트보드가 정체성을 찾는 시대, 인스타그램과 대기업의 영향력 이전의 시대, 스트리트 스케이팅은 한계를 시험하고 새롭게 부상하고 있는 힙합 문화의 새롭고 혁신적인 스타일과 조화를 이루며 성장했다. 돌이켜보면 오늘날 많은 스케이터들은 90년대가 스케이트보드의 황금기였던 것처럼 느낀다.
Pete가 93년에 발굴한 사진의 대부분은 거의 20년 동안 상자에 묻혀 있었고 공개되거나 출판된 적이 없다. 250페이지 분량의 이 책에는 초심자에게 친숙할 SLAP과 Transworld Skateboarding Magazine을 위해 촬영한 몇 년 동안의 시간을 초월한 이미지도 포함되어 있다. 또한 Pete의 이미지와 함께 책에는 Tony Hawk, Arto Saari, Jamie Thomas, Guy Mariano, Nyjah Huston, Geoff Rowley, Stevie Williams 등과 같은 전설의 인용문과 일화가 포함되어 있다.
∙ Pages - 230 pages
∙ Dimension - 240 x 310 x 25 mm
∙ Weight - 1.7 kg
∙ ISBN - 9781951541460
∙ Publisher - GOFF BOOKS
To be a skateboarder today is a much different experience than it was for much of the 1990s. The photographs, quotes, and anecdotal text in '93 til captures a time in skateboarding when making a liveable income as a professional skater was a luxury and public understanding of skateboarding was at an all-time low. It was a time when skateboarding was searching for an identity, a time before Instagram and big corporate influences. Street skating was coming of age, testing its limitations and aligning itself with a new and innovative style of hip-hop culture that was emerging. Looking back, many skaters today feel as though the '90s were the golden years of skateboarding. '93 til is a captivating portal into a decade and a culture that is remembered with warmth and nostalgia. Much of the photography that Pete has unearthed for '93 til was buried in boxes for close to two decades and has never been seen or published before. The 250-page book also contains several timeless images from his years shooting for SLAP and Transworld Skateboarding Magazine that will be familiar to the initiated. In addition to his stunning action shots are plenty of portraits and unguarded, candid moments that span from the late '80s up through 2004. The book reveals a raw, unapologetic perspective of a world that no longer exists. Also included in the book alongside Pete's imagery are quotes and anecdotes from legends like Tony Hawk, Arto Saari, Jamie Thomas, Guy Mariano, Nyjah Huston, Geoff Rowley, Stevie Williams and others.
To be a skateboarder today is a much different experience than it was for much of the 1990s. The photographs, quotes, and anecdotal text in '93 til captures a time in skateboarding when making a liveable income as a professional skater was a luxury and public understanding of skateboarding was at an all-time low. It was a time when skateboarding was searching for an identity, a time before Instagram and big corporate influences. Street skating was coming of age, testing its limitations and aligning itself with a new and innovative style of hip-hop culture that was emerging. Looking back, many skaters today feel as though the '90s were the golden years of skateboarding. '93 til is a captivating portal into a decade and a culture that is remembered with warmth and nostalgia. Much of the photography that Pete has unearthed for '93 til was buried in boxes for close to two decades and has never been seen or published before. The 250-page book also contains several timeless images from his years shooting for SLAP and Transworld Skateboarding Magazine that will be familiar to the initiated. In addition to his stunning action shots are plenty of portraits and unguarded, candid moments that span from the late '80s up through 2004. The book reveals a raw, unapologetic perspective of a world that no longer exists. Also included in the book alongside Pete's imagery are quotes and anecdotes from legends like Tony Hawk, Arto Saari, Jamie Thomas, Guy Mariano, Nyjah Huston, Geoff Rowley, Stevie Williams and others.