《파티마의 눈을 보다》는 화가, 조각가, 사진작가, 영화 제작자 토머스 캠벨이 모로코에서의 서핑과 생활에 대해 독학한 새로운 사진 에세이이다. 1990년대 초, 뉴욕의 어설런트 갤러리 주변 장면에 몰두하기 직전, 캠벨은 정기적으로 북아프리카 지역에 틀어박혀 파리, 뉴욕, 라바트에서 열리는 개인전을 위한 그림을 제작하고, 겨울 동안 대서양에서 어떤 파도가 밀려올지 찾아 해안을 샅샅이 뒤지곤 했다. 이후 10년 동안 캠벨은 댄 말로이, 알렉스 노스트, 크레이그 앤더슨, 데이브 라스토비치, 라이언 버치 등 다양한 서퍼들을 데리고 모로코의 아름다운 기후와 엄청난 파도를 감상했다. 캠벨 슬라이드 서핑 시리즈(2012년 Slide Your Brains Out에 이어)의 두 번째 책인 이 책은 지난 20년 동안의 모로코의 집단적 모험을 일상적인 것에서부터 숭고한 것까지 다양한 색상과 흑백 이미지로 기록하고 있다.
∙ Pages - 144 pages
∙ Dimension - 247 x 171 x 17 mm
∙ Weight - 1 kg
∙ ISBN - 9780985361136
∙ Publisher - Um Yeah Arts
Seeing Fatima's Eyes is a new photographic essay by the self-taught painter, sculptor, photographer and filmmaker Thomas Campbell on surfing and life in Morocco. In the early 1990s, just prior to his immersion in the scene around New York's Alleged Gallery, Campbell would regularly hole up in the North African enclave to produce paintings for solo exhibitions in Paris, New York and Rabat, all the while scouring the coast during the winter months for whatever waves might roll in from the Atlantic. Later, over the last ten years, Campbell brought various surfers of note (such as Dan Malloy, Alex Knost, Craig Anderson, Dave Rastovich and Ryan Burch) to join him there, and to savor Morocco's glorious climate and stupendous surf. This book, the second in Campbell's Slide surfing series (following 2012's Slide Your Brains Out), records these collective Moroccan adventures from the past 20 years, in color and black-and-white images that range from the everyday to the sublime.
Seeing Fatima's Eyes is a new photographic essay by the self-taught painter, sculptor, photographer and filmmaker Thomas Campbell on surfing and life in Morocco. In the early 1990s, just prior to his immersion in the scene around New York's Alleged Gallery, Campbell would regularly hole up in the North African enclave to produce paintings for solo exhibitions in Paris, New York and Rabat, all the while scouring the coast during the winter months for whatever waves might roll in from the Atlantic. Later, over the last ten years, Campbell brought various surfers of note (such as Dan Malloy, Alex Knost, Craig Anderson, Dave Rastovich and Ryan Burch) to join him there, and to savor Morocco's glorious climate and stupendous surf. This book, the second in Campbell's Slide surfing series (following 2012's Slide Your Brains Out), records these collective Moroccan adventures from the past 20 years, in color and black-and-white images that range from the everyday to the sublime.