《웨이워드 코그니션스》(Wayward Cognitions)는 에드 템플턴(Ed Templeton, 1972년 ~ )이 20년에 걸쳐 수집한 사진 모음집이다. 이 책을 위해 템플턴은 주제나 주제별로 정리하는 그의 평소 방식에 맞지 않는 사진들을 골랐다. 과거 출판물에서 그는 10대 키서, 10대 흡연자, 또는 움직이는 자동차에서 찍은 사진과 같은 간단한 그룹으로 그의 작품을 정리했다. 디포머에서 그는 교외를 주제로 사진을 선보였다. Wayward Cognitions는 주제나 주제 없이 거리에서 촬영할 때 발생하는 순간을 나타낸다. "그것은 우리가 매일 흘끗 보는 시각적인 모습에서 즐거움을 찾는 것입니다,"라고 템플턴은 말한다. 그 순간들이 촬영된 문맥에서 제거되면, 역동적인 이야기들이 책의 형태로 이야기되거나 상상될 수 있다. 웨이워드 코그니션스의 사진들은 템플턴에 의해 그의 암실에서 인쇄되었다.
∙ Pages - 160 pages
∙ Dimension - 203 x 273 x 20 mm
∙ Weight - 1 kg
∙ ISBN - 9780985361129
∙ Publisher - Um Yeah Arts
Wayward Cognitions is a collection of photographs by Ed Templeton (born 1972), chosen from his archives spanning 20 years. For this volume, Templeton selected photographs that do not fit into his usual manner of organizing by theme or subject. In past publications he has arranged his work in straightforward groupings such as Teenage Kissers, Teenage Smokers, or photographs shot from a moving car (as in his book The Seconds Pass). In Deformer he presented the photographs under the theme of suburbia. Wayward Cognitions represents the in-between moments that arise when shooting in the streets without theme or subject. "It's about looking, people watching, finding pleasure in the visual vignettes we glimpse each day," says Templeton. When those moments are removed from the context in which they were shot, dynamic stories can be told or imagined in book form. The photographs in Wayward Cognitions were printed by Templeton in his darkroom; he then created the layout and design himself, building the book from scratch in his home studio.
Wayward Cognitions is a collection of photographs by Ed Templeton (born 1972), chosen from his archives spanning 20 years. For this volume, Templeton selected photographs that do not fit into his usual manner of organizing by theme or subject. In past publications he has arranged his work in straightforward groupings such as Teenage Kissers, Teenage Smokers, or photographs shot from a moving car (as in his book The Seconds Pass). In Deformer he presented the photographs under the theme of suburbia. Wayward Cognitions represents the in-between moments that arise when shooting in the streets without theme or subject. "It's about looking, people watching, finding pleasure in the visual vignettes we glimpse each day," says Templeton. When those moments are removed from the context in which they were shot, dynamic stories can be told or imagined in book form. The photographs in Wayward Cognitions were printed by Templeton in his darkroom; he then created the layout and design himself, building the book from scratch in his home studio.