Tomonori Tanaka aka.'Ripzinger'의 책, 스투시에서 웨스트 아메리칸라이즈드 투어를 발표한 이후 두 번째 책이다. 스케이트보드를 타고 사진을 찍는 것과 같은 자유로움, 이번에 달라진 점은 이곳이 뉴욕이었고 Leica M6를 사용하여 흑백 필름(컬러 필름뿐만 아니라)으로 촬영을 시도했다는 것입니다. 잠들지 않는 도시의 이미지를 선명하게 기록하였다.
∙ Pages - 216 pages
∙ Dimension - 172 x 222 x 21 mm
∙ Weight - 1.4 kg
∙ ISBN - 9784990372651
∙ Publisher - Bueno Books
This is a book by Tomonori Tanaka aka Ripzinger. And is his second book after releasing West Americanized Tour from Stussy. The same feeling of freedom, shooting images riding skateboard but what was different this time was that this was NYC and he went ahead and tried shooting with black and white film (as well as color films) using Leica M6. Sharply documented images of the city that does not sleep.
This is a book by Tomonori Tanaka aka Ripzinger. And is his second book after releasing West Americanized Tour from Stussy. The same feeling of freedom, shooting images riding skateboard but what was different this time was that this was NYC and he went ahead and tried shooting with black and white film (as well as color films) using Leica M6. Sharply documented images of the city that does not sleep.